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Southern Catalpa (Catalpa bignonioides)
Catalpas are another multi faceted tree species that everyone needs a few of.  They are famous for the free fish bait they can host, known as catalpa sphinx moth larvae, and for their showy flower display.  One “catawba worm,” fresh...
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Southern Crab Apple (Malus angustifolia)
Southern Crab Apple (Malus angustifolia) Southern Crab is indigenous to the southeastern states and one of a very few species of apples that are actually native to North America. Much like many of our native plums, our native crabs are...
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Southern Red Oak (Quercus falcata)
Also known as the turkey-foot oak due to the shape of the leaf, the Southern Red oak is an excellent source of food for most all woodland critters. The petite but tasty acorn is just the right size for turkey,...
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Strawberry Bush (Euonymus americanus)
Wildlife biologists often refer to strawberry bush as an “ice-cream plant” for deer. In fact, deer love strawberry bush so much that it can be non-existent in areas with hungry deer. For deer, we plant one, long row of plants...
Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii)
Named for the French botanist Andre Michaux, who discovered this stately oak (among many others) back in the 1800’s, the common name refers to where it is found and the shape of the leaves. Don’t let the swamp part fool...
Swamp Chestnut Oak Bundle (12 Seedlings) (Quercus michauxii)
Save 15% off regular price + $10.99 flat rate shipping when you purchase this bundle of 12 Swamp chestnut Oak seedlings. Named for the French botanist Andre Michaux, who discovered this stately oak (among many others) back in the 1800’s,...
$59.88 $49.99
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Swamp Milkweed Wildflower Seed 6 Pack Plugs (Asclepias incarnata)
Swamp Milkweed Wildflower Seed 6 Plug Pack - Asclepias incarnata 6 Plug Pack Best known for its superb Monarch Butterfly attracting qualities the Swamp Milkweed thrives in moist soil conditions and is often found thriving along streams and creeks on...
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Swamp Milkweed Wildflower Seed Plugs (Asclepias incarnata)
Swamp Milkweed Wildflower Seed Plug - Asclepias incarnata Single Plug Best known for its superb Monarch Butterfly attracting qualities the Swamp Milkweed thrives in moist soil conditions and is often found thriving along streams and creeks on the edges of...
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Swamp White Oak (Quercus bicolor)
This is yet another oak to add to the “grows just about anywhere” list.  Although swamp whites were named for their tolerance to poorly drained sites, they can and will thrive or do better on many other site types.  Swamp...
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Sweet Joe-Pye Weed Wildflower Plugs (Eutrochium purpureum)
Hollow Joe-Pye Weed Wildflower Plugs - Eutrochium fistulosum If you want to see more butterflies, moths, skippers, and bees, Sweet Joe-Pye Weed is a tall, flowering, native perennial in the Aster family you simply must have in your collection. It...
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Switchgrass Native Grass Plugs - Panicum virgatum ‘Alamo’
Switchgrass- Panicum virgatum ‘Alamo’ Switchgrass has seen a rise in popularity due to its ability to produce huge amounts of biomass that can be easily transformed into bio-fuels, but we prefer to leave it standing for its ability to hold...
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Totten Oak Hybrid (Quercus x tottenii)
We’ve discussed how hybrid oaks don’t always grow vigorously, but more often are intermediate in their traits between each parent. Well, this tree does both! Totten oak is a no doubt winner resulting from the marriage between swamp chestnut and...
Tree Protector Package
     Tree Protection items are shipped via UPS the first shipping day following the day the order is received.  We do not ship tree protection items and supplies on Saturday or Sunday.  TREE TUBES (also called TREE PROTECTORS) are a necessary step...
Tree Protectors w/o Stakes
Tree Protection items are shipped via UPS the first shipping day following the day the order is received.  We do not ship tree protection items and supplies on Saturday or Sunday.  TREE TUBES (also called TREE PROTECTORS) are a necessary step towards ensuring...
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Water Oak (Quercus nigra)
Water oak is a trooper and likely the most underrated of all the oaks. Naturally occurring in the bottoms, water oak commonly creeps its way uphill via blue jays and squirrels. To us that means it will grow and produce...
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Water x Cherrybark Oak Hybrid (Quercus nigra x pagoda)
This gem was the first hybrid red oak we encountered. Since then we’ve found four more. All three parent trees produce vast quantities of squirrel cheese (acorns) every year. Ponder the genetic possibilities from this match made in heaven when combining...
Water x Nuttall Oak Hybrid (nigra x texana)
Our extensive five plus year search for a large-acorned water oak hybrid ended with two finds in one day…how it that for good luck?  The one we’re discussing now is most likely a cross with Nuttall oak which has huge...
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White Oak (Quercus alba)
If we took a nationwide poll of deer enthusiasts and asked which oak has provided more successful hunts than any other, white oak would undoubtedly be on the top of the list. Found from the Gulf Coast all the way...
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White Oak Bundle (Quercus alba)
Take advantage of this limited offering of 12 white oak seedlings for $39.99.  If we took a nationwide poll of deer enthusiasts and asked which oak has provided more successful hunts than any other, white oak would undoubtedly be on...
$47.88 $39.99
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Wild Bergamot Wildflower Garden Plugs (Monarda fistulosa)
Wild Bergamot Wildflower Garden Plugs  - Monarda fistulosa   Zone 3-10 pH – 6 - 8  Wild Bergamot was widely used for treating a myriad of aliments by the Native Americans, including respiratory problems and nausea. This showy perennial’s brilliant blooms...
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